6 Steps to Paint Full Time in Retirement 
- Your Free Guide!
Speaking From Experience...
If we haven't officially met yet, my name is Chelsea Lang, and I am obsessed with mastering my craft. I used my psychology degree to help build the habits that took my work to the next level and helped me take my painting career full-time after almost a decade working a corporate job. Now I help other painters make these exact same steps work for them -- whether their goal is to become a master painter, or make a living making paintings.
Learn the 6 Steps to Paint Full Time in Retirement
By downloading the guide, I'll teach you how to:
Discover Your Style
 Understand what kind of art most inspires you, whether we are talking about medium, style, creation process, or subject matter.

 By identifying those influences, or what you want those influences to be, you can envision your exact goal style.
Chart Your Roadmap
Once you know where your art journey is actually headed, we can engineer exactly how you will get there! 

No longer will you be wandering from workshop to workshop, or technique to technique, wondering if this one will finally be right for you.
Take the Leap
Now it's time to put in the brush miles that transforms your paintings.  This final stage of the journey pulls from exercises designed to single out each and every variable so that you can trust that so long as you put in the effort, you are moving toward your goal.
Why the workshops aren't enough...
You may think you just need to get into that one workshop with that one artist who is the best of the best. But if there were true, most of us wouldn’t be here right now because we’d all be winning major competitions and selling paintings for $40,000. 

The biggest issue I see with art education, whether it’s a weekend workshop or a full atelier program, is that they are based around the instructor, and you go there to learn to paint like them. 

Not to mention, the average 1-2 week workshop costs around $2,000, the average semester's tuition at an atelier is around $5,000, and the average semester's tuition at an art school can be anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. And that's just for one session. Most of us will need ongoing support and feedback to reach our goals.

Becoming the painter you want to be isn’t about what you can do in a week, or even a semester. It’s about spending time dedicated to understanding exactly what your goal is, and understanding exactly what kind of deliberate practice will get you there.

The Alla Prima Bootcamp, my signature course, isn't about learning to paint like me (although if you want to, I'm an open book), or about us working together for a certain amount of time -- it's about getting you the results you've been after. 

The Bootcamp is meant to replace years at an atelier, or a Masters of Fine Arts, but without the expense, burnout, and working on exercises that don't ultimately help you to achieve your goals.

Students that are accepted into the program work with me until their goals have been achieved, with no ongoing tuition or fees.

So what are your biggest painting goals?
That's not all...
Grab the guide, and I'll also show you how to:
Prevent Burnout
I could give you the secret to creating master oil paintings, but it's never going to matter if you don't sit down and paint! And sitting down to paint won't matter if you don't love what you're doing enough to sit down the next day, and the day after that. 
Master Your Tools
Figure out what tools work best for you and never look back! Once your tools stop creating obstacles to creating masterpieces, the real progress begins.
Create Your Dream Studio
Ever feel like all you want to do is paint, yet you'll avoid your studio like the plague? Together we'll pinpoint exactly what studio pitfalls to avoid so that you never hesitate to go into your studio and paint.
Make Consistent Progress
One of the hardest challenges on our journeys to mastery is feeling like we just aren't making progress. But by following the process in this guide, you can see the progress as it happens, and trust that if you put in the work, the transformation will happen.
About Chelsea Lang


Hey, I'm Chelsea. It's great to meet you!

I help artists to find their unique style of painting and MASTER it using the same techniques that I used to launch a full-time painting career. Whether your goal is to create artwork full time, or to FINALLY reach your painting potential, my superpower is helping you make that dream a reality.

I've had paintings featured in HGTV's Love It or List It, written for the Portrait Society of America, launch a full-time painting career, and have helped dozens of oil painters just like you (no, really -- just like you) find their style and reach their goals as artists.

I'm honored to be a part of journey!
Who has this worked for?

Leeahd G.

"Having someone to help me find my voice and move towards that style has taken my painting to another level!"

"Chelsea’s Alla Prima Bootcamp program has been fantastic — it’s taken the fundamentals of drawing and painting that I already had, pointed out where my blind spots were, and showed me how to prioritize my artistic direction so that I could confidently leave my day job behind. 

"Having consistent support and feedback has been so beneficial. There are tons of videos and instructors out there to help you learn to paint, but having someone to help me find your my and move towards that style has taken my painting to another level."

Mary C.

"The Alla Prima Bootcamp has changed the trajectory of my painting career!"

"The Alla Prima Bootcamp has changed the trajectory of my painting career. I was at a certain point in my painting ability, and knew I wanted to be better, but I didn’t know how, and I didn’t know where I wanted to go exactly. 

"There are so many classes, so many good artists to be inspired by, so much information overload online, it was daunting to figure out what to do. Your class and community on Discord has been instrumental in my growth. 

"Thank you for helping me develop and narrow down a voice, or style, but also helping guide me with your expertise on specific techniques and ways to accomplish what I would like to do. The journey continues, but I love the road! The Discord community is good for my soul, too!

"You have such a great way to see and help with all our individual needs!!! I have been a teacher for many years and so appreciate that ability in you!"

Student Wall of Fame

6 Steps to Paint Full Time in Retirement
Stop waiting to become the painter you were meant to be
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